
GOAL: $125,000.00

Start A Campaign


Village of Hope Women's Community

Every day in Guatemala, women and children are abused, exploited, and murdered. Through our Redeemed Women's program, we are serving these vulnerable groups by providing food, education, discipleship, emotional support, job opportunities, and so much more. Sadly, even with this help, many of these women and children still don't have stable housing, are squatting on someone's land, and are left in very vulnerable situations. They often live in very isolated areas, with little to no protection or security and have no community around them supporting them. They can be kicked out, displaced, violated, or kidnapped and there is no one around to help. 

James Project's Village of Hope will change all of that!

We have recently received a $125,000 Match to buy and build a safe community for these women and their children. The land is approximately 5 acres and will provide:

  • Safety - the property will be walled-in to keep the residents safe
  • Housing - we will be building homes for the vulnerable women and children we serve, as they work toward self-sustainability
  • Child Care - our goal is to provide a safe place for our women to leave their children so that they can go to work without worrying about who is doing what to their children
  • Support - the James Project staff will be able to provide regular psychological and social work support to help stabilize these families
  • Business Opportunities - we dream of developing businesses for these women that will support their families and the community, including a large chicken/egg program, agricultural production, and fish farming
  • So much more!

James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father considers pure and undefiled is this, caring for orphans and widows in their distress, and keeping oneself pure from this world."

This is our calling and we believe the Village of Hope will help fulfill this mandate.




Jennifer J
Belton, TX
Jennifer H
Costa Mesa, CA
Rebeca M
Anne & Tom K
Leawood, KS
Cheryl F
Washington Crossing, PA

Olathe, KS
Greg & Cynthia M
McCormick, SC



Rebecca D
Olathe, KS
Christina U
Saint Paul, MN
Jennifer H
Costa Mesa, CA
Rebeca M
Kara W
Bethlehem, NH
Wes G
Sally M
Palmer, AK

Loretta F
Jackson, MO
Glenda W
Ozark, MO
Peter and Janet G
Palmer, AK
Brian M

Poland, OH
West F
Linda F
Gansevoort, NY
Robert and Vivian B
Springfield, MO
Robyn H
Springfield, MO
Jennifer H
Costa Mesa, CA
Rebeca M
Annette H
Springfield , MO
Sally M
Palmer, AK

