At James Project, our desire is that the women and children we serve have bright futures and are able to break the cycles of poverty, abuse, and hopelessness. Receiving an education is key to making this happen. 

Though our Brighter Futures program, we serve the children that have found refuge at Shadow of His Wings, as well as the women and families we serve through our Redeemed Program.

Shadow of His Wings Children's Home

All of the children living on the JPLA campus are given the opportunity to receive an education. Our staff is trained in early/infant stimulation, allowing our children to begin learning and developing, right away. We also have a school available on our campus that provides classes for children pre-school through junior high. As our children enter high school, they are allowed to select the 'career' they want to study (as is the norm in Guatemala), and we send them to the appropriate school in the nearby town. 

In Guatemala, only a very small percentage (1-2%) of people get to study at an advanced level. At JPLA, we provide scholarships to our students to continue their education, whether it be at a university or a trade school. This provides them the opportunity to drastically improve their future, seek good jobs, provide for their families, and set an example for their own children. 

Redeemed Women's Program

The vulnerable women and children we serve in the community often have not had the opportunity to study. Therefore, we work with the families we serve to make sure the children in the family are able to go to school and the women are able to go back to school and study, if they so desire. We've had women and children graduate high school through this program. This is something that only approximately 10% of those in Guatemala have been able to accomplish. 

Education can set a person and their family on a completely different course for the future. It truly can provide a Brighter Future for generations to come. 

Leader: Tiffany Applegate

Email Group Leader


Days Waiting: 239

Age: 30

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Days Waiting: 239

Age: 24

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Days Waiting: 1846

Age: 26

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Casa Petra

Days Waiting: 277


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Redeemed Program

Days Waiting: 1113


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