
Shadow of His Wings provides homes to children from a variety of backgrounds - including physical and sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, human trafficking, and/or the loss of both parents. Our goal is to raise these children in a way that they can find peace and experience the healing love of Jesus Christ. 

What Makes Us Unique:

  1. Our children live in family units, with Christian parents. The boys and girls at Shadow of His Wings live in family units with Guatemalan couples and their biological children, plus up to 12 children from the Home (following the model of Christ and His 12 disciples). This gives our children the experience of being part of a loving family - sometimes the first time in their lives! 

  2. Our transition program. Having seen the need for our kids to gain more real world experiences, our transition program provides the opportunity for our young people to learn how to get and keep a job, manage a budget, do their own shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. and have much more freedom to be out in the community and make outside friends. They also learn other important life skills such as interviewing, using public transportation, etc. 

  3. Our focus on changing the world for Christ. One of the things that surprises people is that our kids, coming from many desperate situations, actively go out into the community to minister to others. Our goal at the James Project is to raise up children who will reach their world for Christ. These children may grow up to be spouses, parents, missionaries, teachers, doctors, lawyers, or whatever else God calls them to, but the family experience they have at Shadow of His Wings will influence them to live their lives for Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and therefore change their worlds for Christ! 

Interesting Facts

  • Each one of our homes is named after a person in the Bible.

  • We are one of the few accredited homes in Guatemala.

  • We opened our first boy's home in 2014.

  • We accept children from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Belize.

  • Our first teen pregnancy home, Casa Maria, opened in February 2022. 


Eliel Edgar Emmanuel

Days Waiting: 49

Age: 3

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Jose Renato

Days Waiting: 35

Age: 13

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Days Waiting: 205

Age: 11

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Days Waiting: 407

Age: 17

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Jose Fernando

Days Waiting: 24

Age: 13

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Jenifer Cristali

Days Waiting: 194

Age: 11

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Gerber Mauricio

Days Waiting: 194

Age: 7

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Génesis Magali

Days Waiting: 9

Age: 5

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Emely Sofia Madeline

Days Waiting: 1

Age: 6

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Henry Oveli

Days Waiting: 20

Age: 8

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Mideny Lili Dayana

Days Waiting: 347

Age: 15

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Keilin Betzabe

Days Waiting: 413

Age: 16

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Yesica Sarai

Days Waiting: 395

Age: 13

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Gabriela Esther

Days Waiting: 592

Age: 8

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Pepe Campos de Jesus

Days Waiting: 30

Age: 5

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Jeremias de Jesus

Days Waiting: 437

Age: 10

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Jose Rosendo

Days Waiting: 98

Age: 13

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Leysi Lurisa de Maria

Days Waiting: 41

Age: 15

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Angela Beatriz

Days Waiting: 30

Age: 7

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Samilyu Uribe

Days Waiting: 41

Age: 15

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Marta Adaily

Days Waiting: 345

Age: 12

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Angel Eduardo

Days Waiting: 318

Age: 13

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Idanis Paola

Days Waiting: 653

Age: 17

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Luz Fernanda

Days Waiting: 37

Age: 16

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Transition Program

Our Transition Program teaches our children, 15 and older, important life skills including job training, intervi...

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